Margarita Holguin has been a leader in community health work for over a decade. She is the Founding Chair of San Diego County Promotores Academy and the Adelante Promotores Annual Conference.  Ms. Holguin developed San Diego’s first Promotores Academy in 2009 and has trained hundreds of CHWs/ Promotores. In 2017,Ms. Holguin was named “Latina of the Year” by the Adelante Mujer Conference.  Ms. Holguin is  Director of Partnership Initiatives at We Support U and leads community programs.  Ms. Holguin works on capacity-building skills with residents and leads the Resident Leadership Academy.  Ms. Holguin was the Executive Director for the Chula Vista Community Collaborative for 13 years, where she developed community programs and initiatives in support of at-risk populations. Ms. Holguin dedicated over 20 years of service to the County of San Diego Health and Human Services, where she last served for six years as an Assistant Deputy Director.


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