About Us
El guía de Inland Desert Training and Technical Resource Center (TRC) was a resource hub located in UC San Diego’s Center for Community Health. The Inland Desert TRC supported five county health departments (San Bernardino, Imperial, Inyo, Riverside and San Diego) in its local implementation of the Nutrition Education Obesity Prevention Branch (NEOPB) programs and interventions. Under the leadership of the California Department of Public Health’s NEOPB, the Inland Desert TRC was one of seven regional training resource centers throughout California providing expertise in healthy eating, physical activity and opportunities for healthy policy, systems and environmental changes to improve food security and promote chronic disease prevention.
What We Do

Resources and learner-centered, multi-layered training opportunities were provided for county health departments and their partners. To improve health outcomes for California’s low-income families and low-resource neighborhoods, evidence-based, best practice-based and innovative strategies and techniques were utilized. This work was done by building local training and technical assistance capacity, collaborating for action through multi-county coalitions and providing expertise as well as leveraging resources for media and public relations, outreach and coordination.
Resources for You
Worksite Wellness in the Agriculture Sector Training Follow-Up PDF
Worksite Wellness in the Agriculture Sector–PowerPoint Slides PDF
Strategies and Tools for Healthy Beverage Policies Webinar Follow-Up PDF
Strategies and Tools for Healthy Beverage Policies–Webinar Slides PDF
Working with Farmers Markets, Webinar Slides 2015 PDF