Holistic Fun and Play Daycare

Sandra Vega has been in the business of providing childcare for the last 14 years. What started as the desire to be available for her children and to run a business for home, has become a passion for providing the highest quality of care to families. Ms. Vega’s family childcare, the Holistic Fun and Play Daycare, emphasizes learning through play, natural arts and crafts, and caring for children with special needs. Ms. Vega offers care to children in both English and Spanish and loves connecting parents with resources.

Ms. Vega joined the Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego (BFSD) program because she is a personal advocate for breastfeeding and knows the benefits of breastmilk. She enjoys normalizing breastfeeding for the children in her care and believes exposure to the breastfeeding culture is an important tool. Ms. Vega offers parents an environment they can feed comfortable in and believes that the BFSD program has been very educational. Congratulations Ms. Sandra Vega on becoming a recognized BFSD provider!


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