Preliminary findings from our research highlight the powerful impact of our nutrition security/food access program, ¡Más Fresco! Plus. This program provides home-delivered farm-fresh produce boxes and healthy food cards (each valued at about $50 a month) to community members experiencing health disparities, including food/nutrition insecurity and diet-related chronic disease. ¡Más Fresco! Plus aims to increase access to and consumption of healthy foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, and improve nutrition and health status among underserved community members. As noted in our preliminary program report (see link below), as of December 2023, the program provided over $1,000,000 of locally grown farm-fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods to thousands of underserved households in San Diego County, including the home-delivery of over 32,000 farm-fresh produce boxes. Based on survey responses from nearly 200 program participants, the program has achieved substantial success, including:

  • Reducing barriers (high costs, transportation) and increasing access to locally grown, nutritious fruits and vegetables
  • Helping families be able to shop for healthy foods with dignity and respect, and reducing stressors related to food access and nutrition security
  • Increasing knowledge of nutrition/healthy eating
  • Encouraging healthy eating habits/choices and increasing healthy eating behaviors including fruit and vegetable consumption amongst participating households
  • Supporting improved health and management of chronic health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

With nearly 25% of San Diegans experiencing nutrition/food insecurity, there is an enormous need for programs like ¡Más Fresco! Plus. Looking ahead, ¡Más Fresco! Plus aims to extend its reach and deepen its impact by increasing program capacity, integrating comprehensive nutrition education, and strengthening partnerships across the food, health, and community sectors. Our commitment to addressing social determinants of health, coupled with the continued support of program funders and partners, positions ¡Más Fresco! Plus to continue making significant strides towards a healthier, more equitable San Diego County.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency, and all our partners for their ongoing support. Special thanks to our partners involved in the implementation of Mas Fresco Plus, including Alliance Health Clinic, City Heights Latino Organizing Committee, Foodshed Cooperative, Foodsmart, SBCS, Union of Pan Asian Communities, Vista Community Clinic, Yasukochi Family Farms, and other community-based organizations supporting the program across San Diego County. Thank you to the American Heart Association and the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative (COI) Community Council for ongoing support and collaboration.

Haga clic aquí to learn more about the iMás Fresco! Plus program.

For more details on our findings, please see our full preliminary program report and executive summary below.

iMás Fresco! Plus Executive Summary Progress Report PDF

iMás Fresco! Plus Preliminary Program Report 2023 PDF


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