The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Sentinel Communities Surveillance project began in 2016 and has been monitoring activities related to how a Culture of Health has been developing in 29 diverse communities around the country. The purpose of the project is to learn more about how each community is working within its own historical context and current landscape to communicate about health and well-being, develop systems that promote health, and address health equity. Information on San Diego’s work is summarized in community reports, and cross-community insights reports on emerging themes, such as the role of anchor institutions; the experience of small and rural communities; how communities are promoting health equity; and community narratives related to health, well-being, and equity. This community landscape report follows from a snapshot report (released in 2017) and a community portrait (released in 2018) for San Diego County, CA., and provides a summary of the community’s journey toward health, well-being, and equity over the past five years. The report is not intended to comprehensively describe every organization or action underway in San Diego County, but rather to focus on key insights, opportunities, and challenges.

Click below to access the full report.

Robert Wood Johnson Community Landscape Report 2022 PDF


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