Thanks to the support from the American Heart Association, the Childhood Obesity Initiative Community Council, local farmers, and many other community-based organizations and community members, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has approved $500,000 in their fiscal year 2024-2025 budget for our iMás Fresco! Plus program, extending the program through June 30, 2025! With this additional funding, the program is committed to continuing to support individuals and families and advancing the health and well-being of the community. Since 2022, the program has provided increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables from local farms to over 2,600 community members throughout San Diego County. Preliminary program findings show success in increasing healthy eating behaviors including fruit and vegetable consumption; reducing barriers and stressors related to healthy food access and food insecurity; and supporting improved health and management of chronic conditions amongst participating households.

This program’s success is largely due to the unwavering support of our funders and partners. We would like to thank the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Self-Sufficiency Services, American Heart Association, Alliance Health Clinic, City Heights Latino Organizing Committee, Foodshed Cooperative, San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative Community Council, SBCS, Union of Pan Asian Communities, Vista Community Clinic, Yasukochi Family Farms, other community-based organizations supporting the program, and community members for helping make all of this possible. We look forward to our continued partnerships and creating even more positive change together!

Haga clic aquí to learn more about the iMás Fresco! Plus program.


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