Breastfeeding Friendly San Diego Partner Highlight

Sandra Feurt opened the doors to her licensed family child-care home in
October 2017, and she is currently enrolling infants and children into her
program. Sandra is also a YMCA Wellness Champion and has participated in
the YMCA Care Initiative Project (CCIP). Sandra wanted to become a
Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego (BFSD) partner because she wants to better
support mothers who are going back to work, and want to continue to
breastfeed their babies. Sandra speaks highly of the BFSD program,
specifically the assistance they give to providers in supporting mothers and
families in their breastfeeding journeys. She felt the steps to become a
recognized partner were easy to complete. BFSD helped her by offering
training, materials, and resources about breastfeeding. Sandra is excited to
welcome families into her family child-care home, provide support, and pass
on resources to the many families she will serve! Congratulations Sandra Feurt
in becoming a recognized Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego Partner!

For program funding information, please see Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego. At the end of each post.


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