We are happy to introduce Dur Dur Market, the newest market in our Live Well Community Market Program. Dur Dur is a small, family-run food market in City Heights best known for its exotic spices, bulk grains, and Halal meats. They are working with us to help increase access to healthy foods for the people in their community and to promote healthy eating. They began by relocating unhealthy items from the front of the store and replacing them with fresh produce displays. They also submitted the City’s Storefront Improvement Program application and are moving forward with a storefront renovation. Most recently, Dur Dur met all of the stocking requirements, and became an authorized WIC vendor. Moving forward, Dur Dur will expand their produce section, create a Healthy Grab & Go display at the checkout, and utilize marketing materials to promote their produce, Halal meats, and fish. Check out Dur Dur Market: 4975 University Ave #A, San Diego, CA 92105

Permanent link to page: https://ucsdcommunityhealth.org/es/news/summer-spotlight-dur-dur-market/