Childcare providers enrolled in the Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego (BFSD) program make a commitment to supporting and promoting breastfeeding at their sites. Read through the highlights on this page to meet the providers who have completed the BFSD program and who are dedicated to assisting families in meeting their breastfeeding goals!
To find a breastfeeding-friendly provider in your area visits SDCBC

Congratulations to Genny Leal for becoming a recognized Breastfeeding-Friendly (Pro-Lactancia) San Diego Partner!
Genny Leal has operated her family childcare home for eight years. She has been a supporter of breastfeeding from the very start, welcoming mothers and babies to breastfeed onsite. Genny was previously a Head Start teacher and is excited to provide high quality childcare in her home. By supporting breastfeeding families and participating in the Breastfeeding-Friendly (Pro – Lactancia) San Diego (BFSD) program Genny is improving the quality of her childcare while helping her families meet their breastfeeding goals. She lets families know they can breastfeed when babies are being drop-off, pick up or during parent’s lunch break, she offers a comfortable space in her living room. Genny was especially excited to pass along the BFSD resources to her families. Thank you for the support you provide to our families Genny!
¡Felicidades a Genny Leal por ser designada como Pro-Lactancia (Breastfeeding-Friendly) San Diego!
La Sra. Leal ha operado su guardería familiar en casa por ocho años. Ha apoyado los fundamentos de amamantar desde el principio, dándole la bienvenida a mamás y bebés, así como ofreciendo la oportunidad de amamantar ahí mismo, en su hogar. Anteriormente, Genny fue maestra de Head Start y le emociona el poder dar en su propia casa el cuidado de calidad que los niños necesitan. Al apoyar a las familias Pro – Lactancia (Breastfeeding Friendly) San Diego, Genny está mejorando la calidad de su servicio a la par de ayudar a las familias a lograr sus metas de lactancia y nutrición. Ella comunica a las familias de la oportunidad y apoyo para dejar, recoger o amamantar ahí mismo durante el horario de comida, ofreciendo na sala cómoda. Genuinamente, emocionada, compartió toda la información. ¡Gracias Genny, por el apoyo que das a nuestras familias!