Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego Partner Highlight

Mitzy Roque opened Little Planet Family Childcare four years ago. She knows how important breast milk is in the first year of life so she wanted her family child-care home to be a secure and comfortable place to encourage mothers to breastfeed for as long as possible. Mitzy has a desire to help, support, and encourage mothers during their breastfeeding journeys. While promoting BFSD to other providers, Mitzy has mentioned how valuable it has been to have a program that provides opportunities to participate and receive assistance, as well as training, in Spanish. She believes participating in BFSD is a great opportunity to improve your child care and your confidence by doing somethinggood for the children. Mitzy really liked how BFSD provided information on how to easily integrate breastfeeding into her sites day-to-day programming.

Congratulations Little Planet Family Childcare for becoming a recognized Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego partner!


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