On February 17th, 15 members of our Youth Advisory Council headed to Borrego Springs for an overnight leadership retreat. The retreat was a product of a partnership with Dr. Matthew Herbst at the University of California, San Diego. Read a reflection on the retreat from one of the YAC members below!

“The retreat we had at the UC Irvine facility in Borrego Springs was a very delightful experience. It was a great time for the YAC members to get closer with another and I believe it helped solidify our bond as a team and fellow leaders. We were able to dive deep into the depths of our own identities and discover what makes us phenomenal leaders through the many encouraging activities we’ve engaged in. One aspect of the retreat I was most fond of was stargazing, because in the city we don’t get to see much of the night sky but in the desert the sky was filled with stars and it completely struck me in awe. It was an amazing experience overall and it is in fact one of the most memorable so far.” – Huda, Youth Advisory Council Leader


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