Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego Partner Highlight

Miss Debi’s Family Child Care is owned by Deborah ‘Debi’ Rowland, who is an experienced childcare provider and has multiple years in practice. Prior to becoming a childcare provider, Ms. Rowland worked in the dentistry field, and through this work she discovered she had an affinity for working with children. Ms. Rowland’s a grandmother to four grand children, the youngest of which is 3-months-old, and she proudly supports breastfeeding within her own family. Some of the reasons why Ms.Rowland decided to partner with Breastfeeding San Diego are because she believes that breastfeeding is the best thing for a baby’s health and that babies benefit from having breast milk for as long as possible. She speaks highly of BFSD’s knowledge, resources, and education, and says that the staff is professional and helpful. Ms. Rowland feels that BFSD’s program reduced the stress of finding and providing resources to families for breastfeeding, and now that she is equipped with the knowledge and information, she will be sure to make everything in her child care convenient for breastfeeding mothers and families.


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