We partnered with UC San Diego Athletics to increase movement and physical activity during class time for San Diego Unified students. Increased Movement and Physical Activity in Class Time, known as IMPACT, aims to keep local elementary students active despite the lack of recess and physical education classes in some schools, particularly in underserved areas of San Diego. UC San Diego student-athletes volunteer their time to lead engaging exercise circuits each week, assisting and cheering on the students as they rotate through various stations designed to raise their heart rates and make physical activity fun.

IMPACT was created to address the lack of funding for physical education programs in schools and help students meet fitness standards. By setting up a variety of circuits that include jump ropes, hula-hoops, monkey bars, and stretching exercises, UC San Diego student-athletes actively engage with the elementary students, encouraging them to maintain an active lifestyle. Through their involvement in the program, these young athletes demonstrate the importance of hard work and dedication to achieving athletic goals, while emphasizing the first step of being physically active. The success of the program at Edison Elementary led to its expansion to Toler Elementary, with plans to implement it in more schools in the future. Principals and teachers have already witnessed improved student focus and concentration as a result of the program, indicating its positive impact on the young participants.

Since our initial pilot, IMPACT has been fully adopted and integrated into San Diego Unified School District’s curriculum. Read more about it here.

Click here for news about IMPACT:

Making an ‘IMPACT’ on childhood obesity | University of California

SDUSD Program Aims to Curb Obesity and Diabetes in Students


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