Name of Partner: Erin Hogeboom: Director of the San Diego for Every Child Organization
Location: San Diego, CA
Partner Website Link: San Diego for Every Child Organization
What do they do/Who are they?
Erin is Director of the San Diego for Every Child Organization. She is passionate about community work because she believes in its core principles.
How do they partner with CCH?
In her many successful experiences with CCH, the Youth Advisory Council was instrumental in helping to get the City of San Diego’s Office of Child and Youth Success established, weighing in with their thoughts and insights. For Erin, it had the most impact witnessing young advocacy at work for systems-level change. Erin is also an active member of the COI Early Childhood Domain Workgroup.
Quote from Partner or from CCH Staff:
“Everyone is valued and has something to share. Our diverse experiences make us all better off, and we have a collective responsibility to one another. We’ve evolved and survived as a species because of community. We can learn from indigenous cultures that have been around far longer than our modern society that working together in community helps build trust, accountability, a sense of safety, and a more just reality for everyone.” Erin Hogeboom -, Director of the San Diego for Every Child Organization.