Welcome to Harvest of the Month

Experience the Harvest of the Month self-guided online toolkit brought to you by the University of California San Diego Center for Community Health School Wellness. The online toolkit offers elementary school educators step-by-step instructions and materials to implement monthly nutrition education lessons in the classroom.

Harvest of the Month provides lessons and activities for students, families and the community to engage in hands-on opportunities to explore, taste, and learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and being active everyday.


Steps to Teach Harvest of the Month in the Classroom

Harvest of the Month Interactive Seasonal Calendar-San Diego County

Click on a fruit or vegetable to access the materials to conduct the five steps. San Diego’s seasonal produce helps communities maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

Fall (September, October, November)

Dried Fruits

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Dried Fruits - Resources

Video: Dates

Learn how dates grow on a California Date Farm.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Dates

• See How do I obtain and prepare produce for taste tests?
• See How do I conduct taste tests in the classroom?


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 date.

• Place 1 date on a napkin and distribute to each student.
• Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.


Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Figs

• See How do I obtain and prepare produce for taste tests?
• See How do I conduct taste tests in the classroom?


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 fig.

• Cut off the stem of each fig.
• Place 1 fig on a napkin and distribute to each student.
• Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

1st Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

2nd Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

3rd Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

4th Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

5th Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

6th Workbook_DriedFruit PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Dried Fruits PDF


Energizer: Dried Fruits PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Dried Fruits (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Dried Fruits (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Dried Fruits (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Dried Fruits (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Dried Fruits (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Persimmon - Resources

Video: Persimmon

Watch this virtual farm video about organic Fuyu persimmons.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Persimmons

• See How do I obtain and prepare produce for taste tests?
• See How do I conduct taste tests in the classroom?


Suggested Sample: Each persimmon provides about 12 slices.  Provide each student with 1 slice.

• Wash the persimmons.
• Slice and remove the top stem and any leaves.
• Cut the persimmon in half, starting at the top stem and cutting to the bottom.
• Lay the flat half on the cutting board.
• Cut the half into 6 slices.
• Place 1 slice of persimmon on a napkin and distribute to each student.
• Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you have downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

1st_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

2nd_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

3rd_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

4th_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

5th_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

6th_Workbook_Persimmon PDF

Persimmons_Video_LAUSD_1112 WMV

Educator Newsletter

Ed_News_Persimmon PDF


Energizer: Persimmon PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Persimmon (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Persimmon (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Persimmon (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Persimmon (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Persimmon (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Grapes- Resources

Video: Grapes

Learn how table grapes grow in California.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Grapes

• See How do I obtain and prepare produce for taste tests?
• See How do I conduct taste tests in the classroom?


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 2 to 3 grapes.

• Remove any stems.
• Wash the grapes.
• Place 2 to 3 grapes on a napkin and distribute to each student.
• Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Grapes PDF

1st_Workbook_Grapes PDF

2nd_Workbook_Grapes PDF

3rd_Workbook_Grapes PDF

4th_Workbook_Grapes PDF

5th_Workbook_Grapes PDF

6th_Workbook_Grapes PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Grapes PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Grapes (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Grapes (Spanish) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

الفلفل الحلو

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Peppers - Resources

Video: Bell Pepper

Learn about the 'Pepper People of the Bay Area' who grow about 30 different varieties of peppers.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Bell Pepper

Bell Pepper

Suggested Sample: Each bell pepper will provide about 16 strips. Provide each student with 1 strip.

  • Wash the peppers. Cut out the stem.
  • Slice each pepper in half from top to bottom. Remove the inside ribs and seeds.
  • Cut each pepper half into 8 equal strips.
  • Place 1 strip of pepper on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.


Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_Peppers PDF

1st_Workbook_Peppers PDF

2nd_Workbook_Peppers PDF

3rd_Workbook_Peppers PDF

4th_Workbook_Peppers PDF

5th_Workbook_Peppers PDF

6th_Workbook_Peppers PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Peppers PDF


Energizer: Peppers PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Peppers (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peppers (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peppers (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peppers (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Tomatoes - Resources

Video: Tomatoes

Learn how cherry tomatoes grow on a farm in Madison, Wisconsin.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Cherry Tomato

Cherry Tomato

Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 to 2 cherry tomatoes.

  • Remove the stem.
  • Wash the tomatos.
  • Place 1 to 2 cherry tomatoes on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Tomato PDF

1st_Workbook_Tomato PDF

2nd_Workbook_Tomato PDF

3rd_Workbook_Tomato PDF

4th_Workbook_Tomato PDF

5th_Workbook_Tomato PDF

6th_Workbook_Tomato PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Tomato PDF


Energizer: Tomatoes PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Tomatoes (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Tomatoes (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Tomatoes (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Tomatoes (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Tomatoes (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

الخضروات الجذرية

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Root Vegetables - Resources

Video: Carrots

Watch how carrots are harvested.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Carrots

Baby Carrots

Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 baby carrot.

  • Wash the baby carrots.
  • Cut off the stem or excess roots.
  • Place 1 baby carrot on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Jicama


Suggested Sample: Each jicama will provide about 20 sticks. Provide each student with 3 sticks.

  • Wash and scrub each jicama.
  • Use a knife or peeler to remove the outer skin. The outer skin can cause stomach aches if eaten.
  • Cut each jicama in half.
  • Place the flat part of the jicama on the cutting board. Slice the jicama lengthwise into long, thin pieces. Slice each piece again into long thin strips (like matchsticks).
  • Place about 3 sticks on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_RootVegetables PDF

1st_Workbook_RootVegetables PDF

2nd_Workbook_RootVegetables PDF

3rd_Workbook_RootVegetables PDF

4th Workbook_Carrot PDF

5th Workbook_Carrot PDF

6th Workbook_Carrot PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Root Vegetables PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Root Vegetables (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Root Vegetables (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Root Vegetables (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Root Vegetables (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Potatoes (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Potatoes (Russian) PDF

Family Newsletter: Sweet Potatoes (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Winter (December, January, February)


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Beet - Resources

Video: Beets

Learn how beets are grown.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Beets



Suggested Sample:  Each beet will provide about 10 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash and scrub the beets.
  • Cut off the stem and any excess root.
  • Use a knife or peeler to remove the outer skin.
  • Set the flat part of the beet on the cutting board. Cut the half into about 5 slices. If the center slices are too large, cut them in half.
  • Place 1 slice of beet on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Beets PDF

1st_Workbook_Beets PDF

2nd_Workbook_Beets PDF

3rd_Workbook_Beets PDF

4th_Workbook_Beets PDF

5th_Workbook_Beets PDF

6th_Workbook_Beets PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Beets PDF


Energizer: Beets PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Beets (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Beets (Spanish) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Apples - Resources

Video: Apples

Watch how apples are transported from Howard Ranch in Chico, CA, to farmers markets and grocery stores.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Apples


Suggested Sample: Each apple will provide about 8 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash the apples.
  • Cut each apple in half starting from the top stem and cutting to the bottom.
  • Cut out the core with a knife.
  • Lay the flat side of the apple half on the cutting board. Cut the apple half into 4 slices or wedges of equal size.
  • Place 1 slice of apple on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_Apples PDF

1st_Workbook_Apples PDF

2nd_Workbook_Apples PDF

3rd_Workbook_Apples PDF

4th Workbook_Apple PDF

5th Workbook_Apple PDF

6th Workbook_Apple PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Apples PDF


Energizer: Apples PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Apples (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Apples (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Apples (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Apples (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Citrus - Resources

Video: Tangelos

Learn about Minneola Tangelos through a virtual farm trip to Sunrise Farms in Vista, CA.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Oranges


Suggested Sample: Each orange will provide about 8 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash the outer skins of the oranges.
  • Cut off the top and bottom of the orange.
  • Place the flat part of the orange on the cutting board and cut the orange in half from top to bottom.
  • Cut each half into 4 slices.
  • Place 1 slice of orange on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Tangerines


Suggested Sample: Each tangerine will provide about 8 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash the outer skin of the tangerines.
  • Cut off the top and bottom of the tangerine.
  • Place the flat part of the tangerine on the cutting board and cut the tangerine in half from top to bottom.
  • Cut each half into 4 slices.
  • Place 1 slice of tangerine on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_Citrus PDF

1st_Workbook_Citrus PDF

2nd_Workbook_Citrus PDF

3rd_Workbook_Citrus PDF

4th Workbook_Orange PDF

5th Workbook_Orange PDF

6th Workbook_Orange PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Orange PDF

Educator Newsletter: Mandarins PDF


Energizer: Citrus PDF

Family Newsletter: Oranges

Family Newsletter: Oranges (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Oranges (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Oranges (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Mandarins

Family Newsletter: Mandarins (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Mandarins (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Mandarins (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Mandarins (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Mandarins (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

خضروات السلطة

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Salad Greens - Resources

Video: Spinach

Learn how Bloomsdale spinach grows at Go Green Agriculture in Encinitas, CA.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Spinach


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 to 2 spinach leaves.

  • Wash the spinach.
  • Use a paper towel to absorb excess water from the leaves.
  • If the leaves are too wide or big, cut the leaves in half to make them easier to taste.
  • Place 1 or 2 spinach leaves on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Cabbage


Suggested Sample: Each cabbage will provide about 60 or more samples. Provide each student with 3 cabbage shreds.

  • Remove the outermost leaves of the cabbage head and wash the cabbage.
  • Use a paper towel to absorb excess water.
  • Cut off the bottom of the cabbage to remove the hard stem.
  • Lay the flattened bottom of the cabbage on the cutting board. Cut the cabbage in half from top to bottom.
  • Cut the halves in half again to create 4 wedges.
  • Cut the core from each wedge.
  • Lay the flat side of each wedge on the cutting board. Cut the wedges into thin strips until the entire wedge is shredded.
  • If the cabbage heads are large, cut the shreds in half.
  • Place about 3 cabbage shreds on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

1st_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

2nd_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

3rd_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

4th_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

5th_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

6th_Workbook_SaladGreens PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Salad Greens PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Salad Greens (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Salad Greens (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Salad Greens (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Salad Greens (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cabbage (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cabbage (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cabbage (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cabbage (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cabbage (Russian) PDF

Family Newsletter: Spinach (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Spinach (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Spinach (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Spinach (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

القرع الشتوي

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Winter Squash - Resources

Video: Pumpkin

Learn how pumpkins grow on Duffield's Farm in Sewell, NJ.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash

Suggested Sample: Each squash will provide about 20 cubes. Provide each student with 2 cubes.

  • Wash the squash. Trim off the ends.
  • Use a knife to peel off the outer skin, cutting from top to bottom.
  • Cut the squash in half from top to bottom.
  • Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and any pulp.
  • Place the flat surface of the squash on the cutting board. Cut the squash into 1-inch cubes.
  • Place the cubes on a baking tray with parchment paper. Place the tray in the oven.
  • Bake at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes or until soft.
  • Remove the tray from the oven and let it cool.
  • Place 2 cubes of the butternut squash on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Pumpkin


Suggested Sample: Each pumpkin will provide about 20 cubes. Provide each student with 2 cubes.

  • Wash the pumpkin. Trim off the ends.
  • Use a knife to peel off the outer skin, cutting from top to bottom.
  • Cut the pumpkin in half from top to bottom.
  • Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and any pulp.
  • Place the flat surface of the pumpkin on the cutting board. Cut the pumpkin into 1-inch cubes.
  • Place the cubes on a baking tray with parchment paper. Place the tray in the oven.
  • Bake at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes or until soft.
  • Remove the tray from the oven and let it cool.
  • Place 2 cubes of the pumpkin on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_WinterSquash PDF

1st_Workbook_WinterSquash PDF

2nd_Workbook_WinterSquash PDF

3rd_Workbook_WinterSquash PDF

4th Workbook_Winter Squash PDF

5th Workbook_Winter Squash PDF

6th Workbook_Winter Squash PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Winter Squash PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Winter Squash (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Winter Squash (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Winter Squash (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Winter Squash (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Winter Squash (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Kiwi - Resources

Video: Kiwi

Learn about the California Kiwifruit.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Kiwi


Suggested Sample: Each kiwi will provide about 6 slices. Provide each student with 2 slices.

  • Wash the kiwi and trim off the ends.
  • Use a knife to peel off the outer skin of the kiwi. Cut each kiwi into about 6 slices.
  • Place 2 slices of kiwi on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

1st_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

2nd_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

3rd_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

4th_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

5th_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

6th_Workbook_Kiwis PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Kiwi PDF


Energizer: Kiwi PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Kiwi (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Kiwi (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Kiwi (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Kiwi (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Spring (March, April, May)


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Strawberries - Resources

Video: Strawberries

Learn a few facts about strawberries as they are being harvested from a California farm.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Strawberries


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 strawberry.

  • Wash the strawberries.
  • Cut off the stem.
  • Place 1 whole strawberry on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

1st_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

2nd_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

3rd_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

4th_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

5th_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

6th_Workbook_Strawberries PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Strawberries PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Strawberries (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Strawberries (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Strawberries (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Berries - Resources

Video: Blueberries

Learn how blueberries grow.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Blueberries


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 2 to 3 blueberries.

  • Wash the blueberries.
  • Place 2 to 3 blueberries on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Berries PDF

1st_Workbook_Berries PDF

2nd_Workbook_Berries PDF

3rd_Workbook_Berries PDF

4th Workbook_Berries PDF

5th Workbook_Berries PDF

6th Workbook_Berries PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Berries PDF


Energizer: Berries PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Berries (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Berries (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Berries (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

الجريب فروت

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Grapefruit - Resources

Video: Grapefruit

Learn how grapefruit grows in Florida.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Grapefruit

الجريب فروت

Suggested Sample: Each grapefruit will provide about 12 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash the outer skin of the grapefruit.
  • Lay the grapefruit on its side. Slice off each end/stem of the grapefruit.
  • Set the flat part of the grapefruit on the cutting board and cut the grapefruit in half cutting from top to bottom.
  • Lay the flat side of the grapefruit on the cutting board. Cut each half into 6 slices.
  • Place 1 slice of grapefruit on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.
  • Remind students to not eat the rind.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Citrus PDF

1st_Workbook_Citrus PDF

2nd_Workbook_Citrus PDF

3rd_Workbook_Citrus PDF

4th_Workbook_Citrus PDF

5th_Workbook_Citrus PDF

6th_Workbook_Citrus PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Grapefruit PDF


Energizer: Grapefruit PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Grapefruit (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Grapefruit (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Grapefruit (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Grapefruit (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Cucumber - Resources

Video: Cucumber

Watch how cucumbers are harvested at TVF Farms.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Cucumber


Suggested Sample: Each cucumber will provide about 10 slices. Provide each student with 2 slices.

  • Wash the cucumbers. Trim off the ends.
  • Remove the outer skin with a peeler or knife.
  • Starting at one end, cut about 10 slices per cucumber.
  • Place 2 slices of cucumber on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Cucumbers PDF

1st_Workbook_Cucumbers PDF

2nd_Workbook_Cucumbers PDF

3rd_Workbook_Cucumbers PDF

4th_Workbook_Cucumbers PDF

5th_Workbooks_Cucumbers PDF

6th_Workbooks_Cucumbers PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Cucumber PDF


Energizer: Cucumber PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Cucumber (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cucumbers (Spanish) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Cooked Greens

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Cooked Greens - Resources

Video: Kale

Learn how Dino Kale grows at Go Green Agriculture in Encinitas, CA.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Kale


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 3 pieces of kale.

  • Wash the kale.
  • If the kale leaves are in a bunch and not separated, trim off the bottom root, separate the leaves, and trim any remaining stems/roots.
  • If the kale leaves are separated from the root, trim any remaining stems/roots.
  • Wash the kale leaves again to remove any remaining soil.
  • Use a paper towel to absorb excess water from the leaves.
  • If the leaves are too wide or big, cut the leaves in half and/or quarters to make them easier to taste.
  • Place kale in a large saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sauté the kale over medium heat until the leaves are softened. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and let cool.
  • The kale should be warm.
  • Place 3 pieces of kale on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Bok choy

Bok Choy

Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 2 pieces of bok choy.

  • Wash the bok choy.
  • If the bok choy leaves are in a bunch and not separated, trim off the bottom root, separate the leaves, and trim any remaining stems/roots.
  • If the bok choy leaves are separated from the root, trim any remaining stems/roots.
  • Wash the bok choy leaves again to remove any remaining soil.
  • Use a paper towel to absorb excess water from the leaves.
  • If the leaves are too big or wide, cut the leaves in half and/or quarters to make them easier to taste.
  • In a large pan, place the bok choy and about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sauté over medium heat until the leaves are softened. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Remove from the heat and let cool.
  • Place 2 pieces of bok choy on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard

Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 2 pieces of the swiss chard.

  • Wash the swiss chard.
  • Cut off the stalks so only the leaves remain.
  • Use a paper towel to absorb excess water from the leaves.
  • If the leaves are too big or wide, cut the leaves in half and/or quarters to make them easier to taste.
  • In a large pan, place the chard leaves and about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sauté over medium heat until the leaves are softened. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Remove from the heat and let cool.
  • Place 2 pieces of swiss chard on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder_Workbook_CookedGreens PDF

1st_Workbook_CookedGreens PDF

2nd_Workbook_CookedGreens PDF

3rd_Workbook_CookedGreens PDF

4th_Workbook_CookedGreen PDF

5th_Workbook_CookedGreens PDF

6th_Workbook_CookedGreens PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Cooked Greens PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Cooked Greens (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cooked Greens (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cooked Greens (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Spinach (Chinese) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Peas - Resources

Video: Snow Peas

Learn how to grow snow peas.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Pea

Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 pea pod.

  • Wash the sugar snap peas.
  • Place 1 sugar snap pea on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Sugar snap peas can be eaten whole or the pea can be removed from the pod.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Garden Peas

Garden Peas

Suggested Sample: Provide each student with the peas in 1 pea pod.

  • Remove or shell peas from the pods.
  • Wash the peas.
  • Place 3 peas on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Pea PDF

1st_Workbook_Pea PDF

2nd_Workbook_Pea PDF

3rd_Workbook_Pea PDF

4th_Workbook_Pea PDF

5th_Workbook_Pea PDF

6th_Workbook_Pea PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Peas PDF

Family Newsletter

Parent Newsletter: Peas (English) PDF

Parent Newsletter: Peas (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peas (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peas (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peas (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Summer (June, July, August)


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Melon - Resources

Video: Melons

Learn how to grow your own organic melons.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Honeydew Melon

Honeydew Melon

Suggested Sample: Each honeydew melon will provide about 20 chunks. Provide each student with 2 chunks.

  • Use a damp towel to clean any soil off of the outer layer of the honeydew melon.
  • Cut the honeydew melon in half.
  • Lay the flat side of the honeydew melon on the cutting board and slice each half again. This will result in 4 wedges from each honeydew melon.
  • Use a spoon to scoop out and remove the inner seeds and any pulp.
  • With the rind of the wedge resting on the cutting board, make slices into the honeydew melon about 1″ apart stopping at the rind.
  • Carefully slice along the bottom of the slices at the inside of the rind to separate the chunks from the rind.
  • Place 2 chunks of honeydew melon on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Cantaloupe


Suggested Sample: Each cantaloupe will provide about 16 chunks. Provide each student with 2 chunks.

  • Use a damp towel to clean any soil off of the outer layer of the cantaloupe.
  • Cut the cantaloupe in half.
  • Lay the flat side of the cantaloupe on the cutting board and slice each half in half again. This will result in 4 wedges from each cantaloupe.
  • Use a spoon to scoop out and remove the inner seeds and any pulp.
  • With the rind of the wedge resting on the cutting board, make slices into the cantaloupe about 1″ apart stopping at the rind.
  • Carefully slice along the bottom of the slices at the inside of the rind to separate the chunks from the rind.
  • Place 2 chunks of cantaloupe on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Melon PDF


Energizer: Melon PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Melon (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Melon (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Melons (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Melons (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Melon (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Stone Fruit

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Stone Fruit - Resources

Video: Peach

Watch peaches being harvested on Manas Ranch in Esparto, CA.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Peaches


Suggested Sample: Each peach provides about 12 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash the peaches.
  • Cut into the peach at the stem end until you feel the knife hit the pit.
  • Cut around the entire length of the peach keeping the blade steady against the pit.
  • Holding each side of the peach in your hands, twist each half in opposite directions to separate the halves.
  • Remove the pit carefully with a spoon or knife.
  • Lay the flat half of the peach on the cutting board.
  • Cut each half of the peach into 6 slices.
  • Place 1 slice of peach on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Plums


Suggested Sample: Provide each student with 1 small plum.

  • Wash the plums.
  • Place 1 plum on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.
  • Remind students about the pit so they do not bit into it.

Rate the Taste

NOTICE: If you downloaded workbook lessons prior to April 26, 2018, please replace with the current versions due to a bit.ly link that is easily misread and leads to an inappropriate site.

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

1st_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

2nd_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

3rd_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

4th_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

5th_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

6th_Workbook_Stonefruit PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter Peaches PDF

Educator Newsletter: Plums PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Peaches (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peaches (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peaches (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Peaches (Russian) PDF

Family Newsletter: Plums (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Plums (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Plums (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Cherries (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Watermelon - Resources

Video: Watermelon

Learn about the watermelons being grown at Eagle Eye Produce in Hemet, CA.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Watermelon


Suggested Sample: Each small watermelon will provide about 20 chunks. Provide each student with 1 chunk.

  • Use a damp towel to clean off any soil off of the outer layer of the watermelon.
  • Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise.
  • Lay the flat side of the watermelon on the cutting board and slice each half in half again lengthwise. This will result in 4 wedges from each watermelon.
  • Use a spoon or knife to remove the inner seeds and any pulp.
  • With the rind of the wedge resting on the cutting board, make slices into the watermelon about 1″ apart stopping at the rind.
  • Carefully slice along the bottom of the slices at the inside of the rind to separate the chunks from the rind.
  • Place 2 chunks of watermelon on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Educator Newsletter: Melon

Educator Newsletter: Melon PDF

Energizer: Melon

Energizer: Melon PDF

Family Newsletter: Melon

Family Newsletter: Melon (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Melon (Spanish) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Summer Squash

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Summer Squash - Resources

Video: Zucchini

Learn how zucchini grows.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Zucchini


Suggested Sample: Each zucchini will provide about 10-15 slices. Provide each student with 2 slices.

  • Wash the zucchini.
  • Trim off the ends of the zucchini.
  • Remove the outer skin with a peeler or knife.
  • Starting at one end, cut about 10 slices per zucchini.
  • Place 2 slices of zucchini on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Zucchini PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Zucchini (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Zucchini (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Zucchini (Chinese) PDF

Family Newsletter: Zucchini (Hmong) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Avocado - Resources

Video: Peewee Avocados

Learn how organic Pee Wee Avocados are grown on Stehly Farms Organics in Valley Center, CA.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Avocado


Suggested Sample: Each avocado will provide about 12 slices. Provide each student with 1 slice.

  • Wash the avocados.
  • Cut into the avocado from top to bottom across the stem end until you feel the knife hit the pit.
  • Cut around the entire length of the avocado while keeping the blade steady against the pit.
  • Holding each side of the avocado in your hands, twist each half in opposite directions to separate the halves.
  • Remove the pit carefully with a spoon or knife.
  • Holding an avocado half in your palm, use a spoon to scoop out the avocado half as a whole to remove it from the outer skin.
  • Lay the flat side of the avocado half on the cutting board.
  • Cut each half into 6 slices lengthwise.
  • Place 1 slice of avocado on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Workbook Lessons

Kinder_Workbook_Avocado PDF

1st_Workbook_Avocado PDF

2nd_Workbook_Avocado PDF

3rd_Workbook_Avocado PDF

4th_Workbook_Avocado PDF

5th_Workbook_Avocado PDF

6th_Workbook_Avocado PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Avocado PDF


Energizer: Avocado PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Avocado (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Avocado (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Avocados (Hmong) PDF

Family Newsletter: Avocados (Russian) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF


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Beans - Resources

Video: Green Beans

Watch how green beans are harvested on Less Farms in Greenford, OH.

Taste Test Sample Prep Instructions: Green Beans

الفاصولياء الخضراء

Suggested Sample: Provide 1 green bean to each student.

  • Wash the green beans and pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut the stems off the ends of the green beans.
  • Place 1 green bean on a napkin and distribute to each student.
  • Instruct the students to wait to taste their sample until they are told to start tasting.

Rate the Taste

Kinder: Rate the Taste PDF

1st Grade: Rate the Taste PDF

2nd-3rd Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

4th-6th Grades: Rate the Taste PDF

Educator Newsletter

Educator Newsletter: Green Beans PDF

Family Newsletter

Family Newsletter: Green Beans (English) PDF

Family Newsletter: Green Beans (Spanish) PDF

Family Newsletter: Green Beans (Chinese) PDF


Tasting Trio Teacher Booklet.All HOTM produce PDF

Attention Teachers

We no longer provide technical assistance on Harvest of the Month. All resources are free and available to download. If you find a broken resource link, please let us know so we can fix it.

If you require additional support to talk through your implementation, please connect with:

Barbara L. Hughes, MS, RD

[email protected] 

CalFresh Healthy Living Program Nutrition Policy Advisor

County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency


The Harvest of the Month seasonal calendar for San Diego County was developed by UC San Diego Center for Community Health with input from Community Health Improvement Partners Food Systems’ San Diego County Crop Availability Report and Escondido Union, San Ysidro, and Vista Unified School District Nutrition Services. The seasonal calendar allows the flexibility to procure fruits and vegetables from different sources, such as local farmers, school gardens or local businesses, to encourage monthly Harvest of the Month classroom taste-tests and lessons. The Harvest of the Month Calendar features six different fruits and vegetables each season. This is the third edition of the San Diego County Harvest of the Month calendar. The previous editions were developed with input from the San Diego region Farm to School Task Force and other Southern California health departments.



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