Over a year ago, the Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego (BFSD) program had the exciting opportunity to produce training videos for the breastfeeding-friendly childcare program. As a component of the videos, breastfeeding parents from throughout San Diego County were recruited to breastfeed their children on film. Recently, one of these spectacular parents, To-wen Tseng, wrote a blog detailing her experience. A portion of her piece is below, and check out her full blog here.
It says it takes a whole village to raise a child. Today’s childcare center is more than a place for children to play; it can serve as a modern day’s village. It cares and nourishes young children as well as their families. Providing resources for mothers who continue to breastfeeding their infants once they return to work is one of the best supports that a childcare center can provide its families.