Twenty-five children and their parents gathered together at Colina del Sol Park in City Heights to celebrate the first day of Formando Niños Campeones (Creating Champion Children) this past Monday, June 20th. The innovative three-week pilot program addresses obesity as well as some of the challenges with COVID19 isolation by providing children with new experiences around physical and nutritional health. Children will try out activities they have never done before, such as kickboxing, swimming, circus training, organic community garden farming, expression through art, and healthy cooking throughout three weeks. This program was developed by Comité Organizador Latino de City Heights, a group of City Heights Latina mothers, and sponsored by the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative.
Telemundo captured the festive morning, including a ribbon-cutting ceremony, reflections with parents, and some of the relay races parents and children competed.
La obesidad infantil aumenta en City Heights durante la pandemia